Our Vision

A Living Catechism was created as a collaboration between Reverend Matthew Fleming, the director of the organization Church Anew (a ministry housed at St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Eden Prairie, MN), and Dr. Deanna Thompson, the Director of The Lutheran Center for Faith, Values and Community at St. Olaf College. It was born from the idea of revamping the way we communicate the best of Lutheran belief and practice for the 21st century. They asked if there was a way to introduce a new catechism, not replacing Luther’s catechisms, but one that speaks to our modern lives in a way that makes our churches feel alive and thriving. These resources of the project are created to meet people on their level so that everyone can be engaged with a guide that fits the unique challenges of their lives

While each of the 7 principles are unique and equally important parts of understanding and living the Lutheran identity, there are truths that connect all of them together. One of those most important connections that was emphasized is the actions of God. It is important to remember that God is present and active in our modern lives. All things in creation are from God, who exists as an active, creative, and loving creator. On this topic, Peter stated: “You know, I think that a really important thing that we are saying Lutherans believe about God is that God acts; that God does things in the world. Because each of these principles starts with an action of God in some way. And I also think that in so many of these they are about ways that God is with us, that God’s action in the world is always an action of moving towards people and seeking deeper and more honest relationships with humans”